Now Enrolling for 2024. Apply today!

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Teacher/Personal Reference

Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder is a full-immersion program that centers on an extensive service project, supplemented by educational seminars and public presentations. Working side-by-side with local communities is also an essential component of every SStS course. To realize our mission, the program connects youth with inspiring non-profit leaders.

Please complete the following questionnaire concerning this student’s participation in a Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder program. Your comments are confidential and not shared with the student or parents.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]

Teacher Recommendation (2020)
This must match the email address supplied in the request email sent to you.
The best address to use if we have questions about this student
The best number to call if we have questions about this student
The school or organization at which you worked with this student

Please evaluate the student in the following categories:


Your response and insight are primarily intended to ensure that instructors are able to effectively work with and support a student.




Footer Questions Box