Today was another awakening day on this trip. The Desayunador was a great place to not only help others but also help ourselves. We may not have made a huge impact on others but we did help those few volunteers in the helping of hundreds of people. Our volunteering made the day easier for those few volunteers. We were shocked at how they could do that grueling work every day without feeling tired or drained. The day had a big impact on us due to us personally seeing hundreds of people flock to receive their meals. We served people from all different backgrounds and situations: Deported veterans, migrants headed towards the U.S, and people with disabilities. It was easy to tell those who were deported from the U.S. due to their fluent English and American dialects. This was another activity that showed us how real the immigration crisis is. We think that our work at El Desayunador left us not only with the gratification of working hard in the short term but provided us as well with the perspectives of the various people struggling in Tijuana. By volunteering, they saw that young Americans such as ourselves deeply care about the situation and are willing to help them through their difficult times. We hope that this will give them a better perception of American people and, in at least a slight way, bring us closer together.
Serving the Community
Henry, Carson, Dylan
23rd of July, 2019
US-Mexico Border '19