Day 3! After getting hardly any sleep following a full 24 hours of travel, day 2 was a bit of a blur. Today sort of felt like day 1. I’d like to start by recognizing just how amazing the food is here. Our cooks have yet to give us a meal that wasn’t enjoyed by everyone. I believe all fears of not liking the food have passed. This morning we received extensive explanations of the Llama Pack Project and the work they do. Alejandra is one of the cofounders of the project and has already put us all in awe with just how well-rounded and thought out the project is. Our work for this week consists of environmental education, one of the LPP’s main focuses. We’re planning on visiting a local school and presenting different topics relating to ecology, conservation, and the integration of llamas into high-Andean communities. We’re all definitely nervous about communicating our ideas in Spanish but super excited to work with kids. It’s becoming more and more apparent how necessary sustainable education is, especially for the kids in this area. For example, we all grew up learning Reduse-Reuse-Recycle in the US but this idea is completely foreign to some of these kids. We took the scenic route through Urubamba and saw some spectacular views of the mountains. Being one of the few people on this trip that is not a frequent hiker/ Colorado resident, seeing those mountains truly put me in my place and made me want to work hard and help the people living in this beautiful region. Can’t wait to get our hands dirty and start our projects!
Lesson Planning and Touring Urubamba
02nd of July, 2017
Peru '17