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Our Journey to Bocas Del Toro


Mary Claire and Luke

23rd of June, 2019


Panama '19

Travel Journal

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]After getting off the shaky, 13-row plane we adventured through the streets to get to our water taxi. It had rained this morning so the streets were flooded with water. We held our bags up as high as we could and tried to avoid splashing each other at 7:30 in the morning. The somewhat long walk was a huge culture shock to all of us, giving us a glance at the amount of rain we are going to be stuck in this week. After getting on the water taxi to our island, Bastimentos, we enjoyed breakfast on the dock all while we bonded over the excitement of the week ahead.

-Mary Claire

Walking up to the hostel that we will be staying at for the next two weeks. Looking around at all the children happy as can be and the adults having fun with what they have. We took our chances going to the basketball court across the street and besides all the puddles on it and the slippery surface we all had a blast seeming the little kids duke it out to score. Starting to feel the teamwork brewing as we ran around smiling and glad to be halting out this wonderful community in Bocas Del Toro. The next two weeks are going to be challenging but everyone here with me today is ready to take on the challenge full speed ahead.-Luke




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