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17th of June, 2024
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Learning, Community, and Numinous Growth
Today was a pretty good day. We started the day off with Robert, who a leading force at the Veterans of Foreign Wars San Diego Post. Robert works on cases regarding Deported Veterans and collaborative efforts to bring them home. He talked to us about what immigrants that have served in the army have to...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]* This post was also written last week but not uploaded until today when the group was in Siem Reap with a better internet connection. Part one: Taking a steam bath One may think that steam baths are only available in gyms or spas, but here on Koh Preah, these are nowhere to be...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]This morning I eagerly volunteered to write today’s blog not knowing I would ultimately have something very embarrassing to write about, but we’ll get to that later. We started the morning bright and early at 7 am with breakfast at 8. After breakfast, we traveled to an elephant sanctuary. There we heard the heartbreaking...