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Immersed in Community



16th of June, 2022


Panama I '22

16 June 2022
As we are approaching the halfway mark of our trip, Panama is starting to feel like home. I have gotten to know each and every one of the members in my group and the communities are always welcoming us with open arms. Taking a 20-minute boat ride to Cristobal and teaching and playing with these amazing children is something that I will never forget. Today I was able to connect with a lot of different kids whether it was through playing soccer with them, meeting family members, or intense games of Connect Four, it really made an impact on my life. Each and every one of these kids are able to enjoy the little things in life and always has a bright smile on their face. Today leaving the island and hearing all of the kids yelling my name, or at least my name they call me there (Messi), makes me feel like part of the community. Today I also noticed that my Spanish is improving greatly as I am having many conversations with all of the kids and families as I would normally back at home. Each and every day feels like I am opening new opportunities and ideas to make an impact on our world. My favorite part about today was going into the Bat Cave. Being able to enter the endless cave with the person that discovered it was a very cool experience. It almost felt like a movie as we swam through the dark cave full of half a million bats and spiders bigger than my hand. Even though Marne was bringing up horror movies involving caves and monsters, it was an amazing adventure and one of the coolest things I have ever seen.



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