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19th of July, 2019
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The Bond That Ties All the Distant Cultures of the World Together
Today the group returned to Urubamba after a week in Qushurani and a llama trek through to the community of Cancha Cancha. The students will continue to post their reflections on their time, but below is a start, as Tommy shares his thoughts about the first day back in Quishurani and Rachel reflects on a...
People often go to work or build something for someone, but why they are doing it is often overlooked. Here in Tibet, you look around and see so many things; most are spectacular, but some are very concerning. One of the most concerning things you see is trash. It is everywhere. Trash is the reason...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””] Some of the many aspects that stood out in our guide in Chengdu’s story include that at a very young age she was sent by her mother over the Himalaya on foot with a group of strangers to reach Nepal. Then the Nepalese sent her to school in India. This is why her...