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A Full Day


Day, David, Wilder, Bennett, Owen

23rd of July, 2024


Costa Rica Turtles '24

Our day started with another early morning, our good friend the howler monkey decided it was in our best interest to wake up bright and early at 4:30 this morning. Our cries for help went unanswered and the monkey continued to howl as we gradually arose to come to breakfast. As soon as everyone was awake the monkey had a change in spirit and became silent.

After a wonderful breakfast of fresh fruits, pancakes and orange juice, everyone loaded into the bus and drove to Costa de Oro, where we would begin our work. Still yawning from our morning with Mr. Monkey we split into three groups. One group measured 100 meters segments the place to put marking posts, another group placed scrap wood at these 100 meter marks, and the final group painted these posts. These markings will be used to monitor where the turtle eggs are laid. After a couple hours of work we gathered together to share coconuts. We shook trees and slammed coconuts on the side of the trees to drink the wonderfully fresh coconut water. After a wonderful break the group got in the bus and headed to lunch.

Lunch kept all the spirits high and prepared us for our busy afternoon. After lunch everyone headed outside to spend a few minutes on the beach. A game of intensive soccer took place, along with a beach sprint race which just happened to be won by Day Chambers. After a few minutes the group met with the volunteer coordinators from the Turtle Trax program to talk about the impact of the organization on the turtles and people who participate.

Some highlights of the discussion were hearing from everyone in the group on topics such as the preservation of natural lands, collecting pollution on the beach, the effect of climate change on the turtles, poaching, and how this program has left a lasting impact on those who participate as they return to the places they live. After learning from one another, our instructor, Juan told us how we would be collecting Leatherback, Olive Ridley, Green, and Hawksbill turtle eggs from the beach. Following the instructions a break was in order as we returned to our hotel to relax in the pool and shower.

With a long day of activities we regrouped to discuss our day and spoke on how challenges in our lives have impacted us and changed us for the better. This discussion not only was informative and useful to the group, but allowed for more bonding and cohesion amongst our peers. Following our final discussion was a pasta dinner before we split into two groups, the turtle egg finders, and those who would rest before doing their duty tomorrow.

Things are well in Costa Rica, all are healthy, learning, and making themselves as useful as possible. As a group we can’t wait to continue our service learning excursion.



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