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02nd of March, 2017
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Cristobal for the day
Today was quite exciting as the entire group had the opportunity to experience Cristobal for the day. As I work with the kids at the Bastimentos community center, I’d never met the kids on Cristobal or seen the island; my current picture of it came solely from the stories told by my friends that travel to...
Uncomfortable. I know some would like me to sugar coat it and market this trip in a way so that more people will come, but this trip was uncomfortable. While uncomfortable might seem like a weird way to describe this trip, I’d like to bring up something Neil Christansen (founder of Give + Surf) mentioned...
All of the SStS girls and I would agree that the relationships that we have formed with the Hope Girls over the past fourteen days have really taken us by surprise. Fourteen days does not sound like a long time, but when we had our closing ceremony yesterday there was not a dry eye in...