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24th of June, 2019
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The Bond That Ties All the Distant Cultures of the World Together
Today the group returned to Urubamba after a week in Qushurani and a llama trek through to the community of Cancha Cancha. The students will continue to post their reflections on their time, but below is a start, as Tommy shares his thoughts about the first day back in Quishurani and Rachel reflects on a...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]* This post was written on July 3 but not sent until the group returned to Urubamba yesterday. Today we woke up with our bags packed ready to roll. After an energetic breakfast we headed outside for some yoga in the sun. Everyone struggled to look as effortless as Ellen. Then we piled into...
Before embarking on this 10 day experience, we were all very excited to be working with children at the Children’s Healing Camp in the Black Hills. However, due to circumstances outside of our control, we have not been able to do so, as the Healing Camp was moved to a later date. We have participated...