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18th of June, 2023
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Systems Thinking, Infectious Smiles
Today was a beautiful day in Panama! Our group started off with a short beach hike where we quickly became friends with three local dogs. We swam in the blue water which we all really enjoyed. The beach swim was followed by a group reflection in which we talked about our presence on Bastimentos....
Today the group and I went to “Cristobal” and I would describe the first day with the kids as beautiful chaos! The boat ride was about 30 min long and we were all pretty tired prior to our arrival. Nevertheless, the kids’ energy and curiosity was extremely contagious- there was not one dull moment with...
Getting up early at 6:30 and walking over to an eco center called Tiriji to do some mindfulness in Kenya is not something every rising senior can say they did this summer. We were in a large circle and did some very simple yoga poses that stretched out our bodies so that we could spend...