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30th of August, 2023
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Final Preparations
Throughout our time together on this journey, we have learned about ourselves, each other, and ways to positively impact our environment. Today, we started the morning by eating pancakes and fruit to give us the energy necessary for the day. After our nutritious breakfast, we went to pick up our friend, Edgar, before we went...
June 21, 2017 Wednesday Day 1 – Kathmandu Waking up with the light was a new and interesting experience for me, with the added confusion of not knowing the time beckoning me to consider not waking up. After going downstairs (where it was clear that the sun had risen over cloudy Kathmandu), I noted that...
Today we were invited to the talent show of the school of Rancho Quemado in which we saw and enjoyed a lot of wonderful and adorable performances from the children. We even went up and sang a song in German that our fellow traveler Lucas had taught us. It was a super fun experience learning...