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WhatsApp Image 2019-07-01 at 7.42.59 PM
02nd of July, 2019
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First Impressions
Getting to know people who do not live in the same area as you is kind of hard but at the same time it helps better yourself and because we did not have out phones it made us be able to connect more, also the pressure of looking good is relaxed, the feelings of having...
The Panama II crew has arrived at their hostel in Panama City. They are going to eat some dinner and then head to bed before exploring Panama City in the morning. After that, they will be catching a flight to Bocas for their introduction to Give and Surf.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Hey! Its Sydney on day 8 of our trip, and it couldn’t be better. This morning we were able to finish digging the trenches for the school’s foundation. The school has come so far already, I can’t believe it. Though with only a few days left here in Mukli we won’t be able to...