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Harvesting Kale for Flint

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Wow, six whole days fly by in an instant! While on other days we have been working in more urban environments, we decided to mix it up today by driving out to Forgotten Harvest’s 100+ acre farm. Once there, we were given instructions on how to properly harvest kale, a plant rich in nutrients…

Small Actions, Great Results

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]As we continue our stay in Detroit, we spent our time productively at Forgotten Harvest where we packaged peppers and sweet potatoes. In the morning, we started to repackage bell peppers, and while we were doing this, there were two people from the local area. When we started to work with them, they were…

A Better Understanding of Homelessness

Today we visited the Bell Building in Highland Park. They focus on housing the homeless before treating their problems/addictions. Their main focuses are alcoholics, drug addicts, people with mental disabilities, and the chronically homeless. One thing that separates their homeless shelter from others is their ability to accept homeless people despite their addictions. Most homeless…

Simple Interactions

Today we started our morning by packaging the food we unwrapped yesterday. We packed boxes until noon. After lunch we went to the Focus: HOPE learning center to help clean the building. When we first entered the center, I was struck by the resoundingly happy welcome we received. The man welcoming us, Keith, was very…

The Importance of Hope

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Today we spent our time volunteering at Focus: HOPE. We started off with a tour followed by an orientation. We then delivered food to senior citizens and worked in their warehouse. When delivering food, we were able to see the impact that the food boxes make. At one apartment, I noticed that there were…



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