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21st of June, 2022
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This photo from the field, after a morning of physical labor in the deep, humid heat, tells a story of bonding, gratitude, and growth. Riley, Jackie, and this diverse team of students exemplify the mission of SStS – What a crew! Parents – this photo might be a special “welcome home” framed gift!
Hello from Dartmouth, Massachusetts!! Today was a day filled with fun, laughter, hard work, and support. We began the day by eating breakfast together, which consisted of delicious homemade bread. During breakfast, everyone talked and Jorge, the group leader of the day, shared the itinerary for today. The morning was peaceful as after breakfast we...
Listen On: Spotify | Apple | Google In this episode of the podcast, we get the chance to speak with Christiana Beveridge who is a Shoulder-to-Shoulder alumna and member of the Executive Board. Christiana serves as a Medical Director at Oak Street Health, a career which she says was inspired by her experiences with Shoulder-to-Shoulder....