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03rd of July, 2019
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The Trek to Mukli
Hello parents! My name is Luke and today I will be documenting our wild adventure here on day 4. The day started early, per usual, when we packed up our bags as we were about to venture in a 10 hour trek to Mukli. We ate a delicious breakfast comprised of pancakes, eggs and rice...
Today we visited the Bell Building in Highland Park. They focus on housing the homeless before treating their problems/addictions. Their main focuses are alcoholics, drug addicts, people with mental disabilities, and the chronically homeless. One thing that separates their homeless shelter from others is their ability to accept homeless people despite their addictions. Most homeless...
Throwback: Saturday, July 2nd: Sacrifices and Soccer
The morning began with an impromptu breakfast composed of bananas, tea, and granola. After, we met our guide, Pedro, who took us to Moray– an ancient Incan site entailing agricultural terraces. Our eccentric guide told us that the terraces were filled with spirits of fertility, duality, and “good vibes”. He continued to explain the ancient...